Statistical analysis of the factors associated with alcohol consumption among secondary school students in Hai District-Kilimanjaro Region

dc.contributor.authorDaniel, Edwin
dc.descriptionAvailable in print formen_US
dc.description.abstractA cross-sectional study was conducted to identify the prevalence rate as well as factors related to alcohol consumption among secondary school students in Hai District. A stratified sampling design with probability proportional to size was used in selecting a sample of 487 students from ten secondary schools, of which 57.3% were males and 42.7% were females. Data were collected by using a structured questionnaire and analyzed by Chi-square and logistic regression [binary and multinomial]. The results show that male students had the higher prevalence rate [39%] of alcohol drinking compared to female students [26%]. The univariate analysis shows that female [OR=0.724], households head education, fathers occasional alcohol intake [OR=2.599], mothers occasional alcohol intake [OR=2.867], sibling occasional alcohol intake [OR=3.118], peer occasional alcohol intake [OR=6.247], medium monthly income [OR=1.777], fair students-family relationship [OR=2.95], away from ASC [OR=0.446], participation in alcohol furnished parties, cigarette smoking [OR=7.116] and parents communication were statistically significant in explaining students alcohol consumption at 5% significant level with p<0.05. The multivariate analysis shows that peer occasional alcohol intake [OR=3.480], non-educated household head [OR=0.190], cigarette smoking [OR=5.667] and participation in alcohol furnished parties; 1-3 times [OR=0.284], 7-9 times [OR=0.275] and 10-12 times [OR=0.319] were statistically significant. Further the MLR on the frequency of alcohol intake among students shows that students whose father or siblings drink alcohol were in high risk of becoming regular drinkers as well as rare drinkers compared to occasional drinkers. The study recommends that peer group, cigarette smoking and participation in alcohol furnished parties should be considered very carefully in order to reduce students alcohol drinking.en_US
dc.identifier.citationDaniel, E. (2011) Statistical analysis of the factors associated with alcohol consumption among secondary school students in Hai District-Kilimanjaro Region, Master dissertation, University of Dar es Salaam. Available at (
dc.publisherUniversity of Dar es Salaamen_US
dc.subjectDrinking of alcoholic beveragesen_US
dc.subjectAlcoholic consumptionen_US
dc.subjectSecondary school studentsen_US
dc.subjectHai districten_US
dc.subjectKilimanjaro regionen_US
dc.titleStatistical analysis of the factors associated with alcohol consumption among secondary school students in Hai District-Kilimanjaro Regionen_US
