The Problem of Maternal Health and Safe Motherhood in Kabaha District: a case study of zogowale and pangani
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The present research was designed to examine the underlying causes and specific forces which have led to the maternal deaths. The problem of maternal health complications has been a serious difficulty in the third world countries. The problem is very acute to the rural people especially in areas where there are no health and transport services. In these areas people fail to reach to the health facilities in case of referrals when they get serious in internal problems. The fact that women are responsible in bringing other human beings in the world has to be considered in tackling this issue. The study was conducted in Pangani and Zogowale villages in Kibaha District in Coast Region. The aspects examined include, the social – cultural relations and beliefs among the people of health service and health seeking behavior among the community. The issue of decision making, who is to decide where to go or whom to be consulted in case of maternal complications. Adopting the structural functionalism theoretical system, it was observed that society is viewed as social system, that is as a set of interconnected parts which together form a whole. Thus, social institutions such as the family and religion are analyzed as a part of the social system rather than isolated units. Talcott parsons argued that human actions aredirected by norms provided by the social system. The cultural system provides more general guideline for action in the form of beliefs values and system of meaning. The norms which direct action are not merely isolated standard for behavior. They are intergradedand patterned by the values and beliefs provided by the cultural system. as such religious beliefs provide guidelines for human action and standards against which people conduct can be evaluated. It was observed that the problems and complications facing women in the process of child birth, have connection to the cultural and traditional beliefs. To women particularly, this situation is greatly a result of the social system and cultural beliefs of the society which have to be traced from when the woman started giving birth. It is, however observed that women have put themselves in inferior position that they are not in a position to decide anything concerning the reproduction process. It is , thus recommended that women’s problem in maternal health should be tackled by treating the traditional and cultural beliefs among the society. There must be coordination between the traditional beliefs and the medical profession in educating and solving the problem. 3. Miaka miwili 4. Muda gani (taja) 54. Elezea sababu za kuka muda huo 55. (a) Unajua matatizo yoyote yanayoweza kumpata mama baada ya uzazi ? ni yapi? (b) Kama uliwahi kupata matatizo kama hayo tueleze kulitokea nini?......................................... 56. Unafikiri ni wajibu wan ani kumtunza mama mjamzito na mzazi? 1. Ndugu na mume wake 2. Wakunga wa jadi 3. Wahudumu wa afya 4. Waganga wa jadi 5. Wote 57. Unafikiri matatizo ya wakati wa ujauzito na wakati wa kujifungua yanaweza kuzuilika? 1. Sijui 2. Ndiyo 3. Hapana (elezea)……………………………………. 58. Ni njia gani inaweza kutumika kuzuia nmatatizo haya? 59. Una maoni gani kuhusu huduma zinazotolewa kina mama na wajawazito na wanaojifungua? Mwisho Asante sana