Mud crab farming and its implications to community livelihoods in selected cases in Zanzibarthe case of Kisakasaka and Mwanda village
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University of Dar es Salaam
This study examines Mud Crab Farming (MCF) and its implications to community livelihood. It sought to examine the people’s attitudes towards MCF, social and economic impacts, challenges and opportunities of MCF and its implications to community livelihood in Zanzibar. The study areas involved were Mwanda in North “B” and Kisakasaka in West Region in Zanzibar. The study used both qualitative and quantitative approaches to collect data from the respondents. It used several types of interviews, including household surveys, Focus Group Discussions (FGD), documentary reviews and field observations. The study involved 67 mud crab farmers who were interviewed using household questionnaires, 67 non mud crab farmers who were involved in FGD, policy makers and Shehas who were interviewed. The study found out that the MCF is widely accepted as an important income generating activity to many local inhabitants. However, its contribution to the development of people’s life appears to be minimal. The study also identified many opportunities associated with MCF, which can be capitalized, including building of social relation and social interaction between one village and another and support peoples’ everyday life. Likewise, the study found many challenges that need to be addressed and tackled, including shortage of capital, education, mud crab seeds and finance to be a daunting challenge among them all. Among other things, it has been further suggested that the government and other stakeholders should support mud crab farming by providing loans, training and tools to farmers, avoiding overexploitation of the mud crab and avoiding cutting mangrove to the coastal areas so as to improve community livelihood in Zanzibar through mud crab farming.
Available in print form, East Africana Collection, Dr. Wilbert Chagula Library (THS EAF SH380.45.Z36.O52)
Crab culture, Community development, Kisakasaka village, Mwanda village, Zanzibar
Omar, M.H. (2015) Mud crab farming and its implications to community livelihoods in selected cases in Zanzibarthe case of Kisakasaka and Mwanda village, Master Dissertation, University of Dar es Salaam, Dar es Salaam