Capital markets reforms and its influence on financial reporting in Tanzania
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Among the steps taken towards reforming the economic policy in Tanzania is the establishment of capital markets. This paper examines and appraises the financial reporting practices in the country after the introduction of the capital markets. In examining the influences of capital markets reforms the study was conducted to answer the research questions like disclose more information after the introduction of capital markets; are companies' disclosures more timely after the introduction of capital markets; do companies produce a more reliable information after the introduction of capital markets than before; and does the introduction of capital markets lead to the changes in the accounting policies. In order to answer the above questions financial reports of 12 companies (listed and unlisted) from 1996 to 1998 were collected. The financial reports were examined through information disclosure index, mandatory and voluntary one. Mandatory were constructed from CMSA and NBAA disclosure requirements while voluntary was the results of the questionnaire administered and interviews to the security dealers and brokers; timeliness, type of the auditor opinion they have received and the changes in the accounting policies. The research found that there were no significant differences with respect to the extent of disclosure, timeliness, the type of auditor opinion and changes in the accounting policies made before and after the introduction of the capital markets. The conclusion reached here is that capital markets reforms have not improved the quality of the financial information which the investors receive through financial reports.