The value of information professionals in higher learning institutions: a case study of the University of Dar es Salaam and Institute of Finance Management, Tanzania



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University of Dar es Salaam


Every profession has the urge to question and investigate its own identity as well as its reception by the society which eventually determines its value. This study on the value of information professionals in higher learning institutions examined the value of information professionals in terms of worthiness, recognition, acceptance and status using the University of Dar es Salaam and Institute of Finance Management. It was intended to find out the perceptions of students and faculty about information professionals and how they can enhance the value of librarians and the profession. Data was collected using questionnaires, interviews and focus group discussions. The study found that 23(59%) students seek assistance from librarians often because they need information or documents in the library which only librarians can easily retrieve or provide and save time. Moreover, 32(82%) of the respondents agreed that librarians are “considerably qualified with moderate professional capabilities”. Furthermore, 23(58%) of the student respondents agreed that librarians are professionally capable of assisting them with academic needs. It was also established that eight (31%) of the respondents studied librarianship for economic reasons as they believe the profession pays in Tanzania. Another 13 (50%) of the respondents agreed that they were proud of being librarians. All the respondents had positive feelings about being librarians in higher learning institutions. On the basis of the study findings, the study recommends marketing the library profession, information service and library services to raise the profile of the profession in the country and its digitized and automated services to broaden the scope of what Tanzanians associate with librarianship.


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Librarians, Higher learning institutions, University of Dar ea salaam, Institute of Finance Management, Tanzania


Kyumana, V. (2013) The value of information professionals in higher learning institutions: a case study of the University of Dar es Salaam and Institute of Finance Management, Tanzania, Masters’ dissertation, University of Dar es Salaam Available at (