The adoption of mobile banking services among small scale entrepreneurs in Tanzania
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The aim of this study was to investigate the adoption of mobile banking services among the small scale entrepreneurs in Tanzania. The data was collected from a random sample of 101 suchentrepreneurs in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania and theanalysis done using Microsoft Excel and SPSS where factor analysis was deployed. The study findings showed that the majority of the research respondents were female entrepreneursaged between 24~50 years old who had at least tertiary school level of education. In terms of business sector information, the majority were working in retail businesses with less than 5 employees and capital investment of less than TZS 5 million. On the issue of mobile banking services usage, the majority of entrepreneurs had used these service for3~6 years. According to the survey, the main factors that influenced adopting these services were portability/easier to carry than cash, faster transaction speed, quick and instant money transfer service and ease of use as well as social pressure and business requirements. While the main challenges faced were technological and environmental factorsin terms oftechnological interoperability and cost of the phone handset. The study also recommended that the service providers should enhance their services by improving the quality of service and increasemobile banking network coveragecountrywide. In conclusion, the Government and service providers should work together in order to improve the adoption of mobile banking since it had the capability of enhancing the entrepreneurs’ business growth and improving the country’s economy.