Investigating teaching and learning of biological classification in outdoor activities by using digital camera in Tanzanian secondary schools

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University of Dar es Salaam
This study aimed at investigating the teaching and learning of biological classification by using digital camera in outdoor activities in secondary schools of Tanzania. The study was guided by four objectives. These were; to identify and document the teaching and learning methods that are commonly used in teaching and learning biological classification in secondary schools, to examine the effectiveness of digital cameras in biological classification lessons executed in the schools, to examine the effect of digital camera in enhancing learning of biological classification in outdoor setting and to analyze the opinions of teachers and students on the use of digital camera in teaching biological classification in outdoor activities. The theoretical works from the constructivist learning theories were employed to guide the study. The sample purposively included two biology teachers and 71 students in form three science streams from two secondary schools. Data were collected through questionnaires, focus group discussion, informal discussion, observation checklist and documentary review. Both qualitative and quantitative research approach were employed in the data presentation and analysis. Findings revealed that the learning of biological classification in the studied schools was dominated by teacher-centered methods of lecture; writing and copying notes and those students-centered hands on activities methods were rarely applied. It was found that after the lessons that used digital camera in outdoor activities including taking pictures, observing real organisms, discussing, debating etc. the study noted that students’ performance on the biological classification topic was enhanced after application of the digital camera technological tool/aid and consequently, students and teachers developed a positive attitude toward the lessons that involved outdoor activities and use of digital camera due to the inherent student-centered participatory style of learning. The study recommends various measures to help implementation of this strategy in teaching including shortening the size of the syllabus, examinations to emphasize utilization of cognitive, psychomotor and affective skills, and teachers to be motivated to integrate the external environment in the teaching-learning process. Further studies to widen the area for application of the strategy were recommended for generalization and curriculum implications.
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Biological classification, Outdoor activities, Study and teaching, Secondary schools, Tanzania
Mawazo, A. (2010) Investigating teaching and learning of biological classification in outdoor activities by using digital camera in Tanzanian secondary schools. Master dissertation, University of Dar es Salaam. Available at