Community’s apathy towards the establishment of the satellite cities: a case of new Kigamboni satellite city, Temeke, Dar es Salaam

dc.contributor.authorJustin, Norbert
dc.descriptionAvailable in print form, East Africana Collection, Dr. Wilbert Chagula Library, Class mark (THS EAF HT169.57T34J87)en_US
dc.description.abstractDevelopment has led to a lot of competition in the world especially the third world countries. Tanzania is still in its early development stages and it’s not utilized as a considerable method, despite the efforts and good intentions of the government to improve quality of life of the people in Kigamboni with determination to bring services near to the community, the Kigamboni people have been rejecting the project and their resistance against the project is high over the stalled development. A questionnaire, comprising of close-ended and open-ended questions, was used to collect data from subjects. Also an interview was conducted with some employees in the Ministry of Lands, Housing and Human Settlements Development. Also a focus group discussion was conducted to the citizens living in Kigamboni community to obtain their views and an interview was conducted to KDA officials. Finally, an interview was conducted to the Minister herself to see how and to know why the project is implemented. A sample of 210 respondents was chosen. Questionnaire copies were sent to the 210 respondents, but only 200 respondents responded which resulted to 90% response rate of which female respondents were less than men at 40% while men were at 60%. These results showed that re-organization of advances in urban development, proper management, participation and trust are important in increasing positive response. This means that to influence the decision of development and managing of the new Kigamboni city the design of the sites need to pay attention to all aspect of development for the project`s success and acceptance.en_US
dc.identifier.citationJustin, N. (2014) Community’s apathy towards the establishment of the satellite cities: a case of new Kigamboni satellite city, Temeke, Dar es Salaam, Master dissertation, University of Dar es Salaam. Dar es Salaam.en_US
dc.publisherUniversity of Dar es Salaamen_US
dc.subjectSatellite citiesen_US
dc.subjectNew townsen_US
dc.subjectNew Kigamboni satellite cityen_US
dc.subjectTemeke Municipalityen_US
dc.subjectDar es Salaamen_US
dc.titleCommunity’s apathy towards the establishment of the satellite cities: a case of new Kigamboni satellite city, Temeke, Dar es Salaamen_US