Factor influencing adoption and use of information system among SMES in Tanzania: the moderating effect of gender

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University of Dar es Salaam
This study analyzed factors influencing adoption and use of information system among the Small Medium Enterprises (SMEs) in Ilala district in Tanzania, with the focus on business size, behavioral intention, access to electricity and gender on the adoption and usage of information systems by SMEs. The theories that guided the study were theory of Planned Behavior, Technology Acceptance Model and Social Exchange theory. The study used primary data from the given sample. The population of the study comprised of all SMEs owners in Ilala district. A Sample size of 71 respondents was chosen randomly from SMEs in Ilala district. To test the reliability of this study, SPSS was used to run a reliability test on all the items on the questionnaires and Cronbach’s alpha was used to test the suitability of research instrument used in collecting data for the study. Regression analysis were used in analyzing the data collected from the sample using questionnaire to determine the magnitude of relationship on factors influencing SMEs adoption of Information System (IS) with gender as the moderating effect. Findings revealed that size of the organization, behavioral intention, access to electricity and gender has a significant influence for SMEs to adopt technology in Tanzania business environment. Therefore, to improve on adoption and usage, this study recommends for the government to improve electrification in the country.
Available in printed form, East Africana Collection, Dr. Wilbert Chagula Library, Class mark (THS EAF HD2346.T34T46)
Small businesses, Information technology, Tanzania
Tenende, I. U (2016) Factor influencing adoption and use of information system among SMES in Tanzania: the moderating effect of gender. Master dissertation, University of Dar es Salaam. Dar es Salaam.