Online management of student admissions and loans in higher education institutions in Tanzania
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The introduction of e-government may result in improving services in public organizations. Likewise, Tanzania introduced a central admission system (CAS) and an online application system (OLAS) in the 2010/2021 and 2011/2012 academic year respectively to deal with perennial problems that resulted in wastage of government funds and human resources in higher in higher education institutions (HEIs). However, the extent to which online services helped to reduce or stop wastage of resources remained unclear and researchers rarely scrutinized his situation. This study used institution theory and socio technical theory to provide an analytical framework and sample size of 120 respondents. It used a questionnaire, interviews, focus group discussion, and secondary and primary sources to collect data. Findings portray that the CAS and OLAS automated transformed student admission and loans in the HEIs. Moreover, the study shows that unlike OLAS, most of the users of CAS experienced transparent, participatory, responsive, and reliable services. However, inadequate management of the student admission and loans was due to insufficient and untimely financial support from the central government and limited online connections within and amongst public organizations. In addition, negligence of students to follow instruction resulted in denial or delayed services. Unlike previous studies, this study shows that the English language was not an obstacle to the users of online services. The study shows that reliable e-government services need a comprehensive e-government policy. Additionally, timely and adequately availability of funds for e-government projects, and taking stern and instant measures against those who undermine e-government services can significantly reduce or stop wastage of resources experienced along the course of managing student admissions and loans in HEIs in Tanzania.