The use of Metaphors in Mbogo’sngoma ya Ng’wanamalundi and Hussein’s Mashetani: a stylistic comparison

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University of Dar es Salaam
This study is about stylistic analysis of metaphors in Mbogo's Ngoma ya Ngwaizamalundi and Hussein's mashetani. Specifically, the study describes and analyses the use of metaphors and how they reconstruct themes in the selected texts. It has used content analysis technique, identification, classification, frequency analysis, thematic analysis and comparison analysis as its theoretical framework. The use of those techniques as the fundamental models of description, work under the premise that it is very important to analyze the use of metaphor in literary work by considering all types of metaphors in order to have a strong, valid and correct interpretation of a literary work of art. Generalization of the study has drawn from the primary and secondary sources. The data processing was done so that all types of metaphors in the selected texts are described according to the way are used to reconstruct the themes in the text, and compares both texts. The analysis revealed that all types of metaphor as identified by Leech (1969) are covered. Also with special consideration on the dominant metaphors that hold the major themes of the play. Generally, there are similar types of metaphor employed in the texts, which differ in terms of frequency of occurrence. Synesthetic metaphor is the most frequently used than other kind of metaphor. In view of this, it has proved useful in shedding some light on the stylistic comparison of the texts studied by showing that, the writer made a significant influence on the types of metaphor they used. Specifically the writers use metaphors to reconstruct the different themes evoked by the texts.
Available in print form, East Wilbert Africana Collection, Dr. Wilbert Chagula Library
Metaphors, Mbogo’sngoma ya Ng’wanamalundi, Hussein’s Mashetani:, stylistic comparison
Ramadhan, D(2005)The use of Metaphors in Mbogo’sngoma ya Ng’wanamalundi and Hussein’s Mashetani: a stylistic comparison, Master dissertation, University of Dar es salaam, Dar es Salaam