Constraints on rural development: the effect of tradition

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The fact that each section of this conference deals with constraints in rural development, ecological, social and economic and that I was asked to deal with "The effects of Tradition," suggests that the organisers consider that tradition is a restraint. How I am going to argue that just the opposite is the ease, that it is the abandonment of tradition and the subsequent chaos in the utilization of natural resources described by the speakers this morning that constrains Botswana from getting the most out of its environment. Not that I consider that reversion to- a mythical Golden Ago would provide the solution to all our problems. Reference to this country's history of warfare and pillage, pestilence and drought quickly dispels the illusion that there ever was a Golden Ago. But there were many traditions concerning the utilisation of natural resources, the arable land, the pasture and the water which did bring discipline into man1s relation¬ship to Nature, just as there were many traditions which brought discipline into his relationship to God and to his follow men. There must be few hero today who fail to appreciate that in the introduction of Christianity many mistakes were made in breaking down the old morality before the now had been generally understood, accepted and practised. And what indeed was the difference between the old and the new in the basic command of Christianity to "Love the Lord thy God and thy neighbor as thyself?" Similarly, in the area of man1s relationship with the land and its produce, the concepts which wo wish to see practised today are not far removed from the past, although the scale and the setting have altered. The concepts are, or should be, that everyone who is prepared to work sots a fair return for his labor, that human dignity and a fueling of belonging and of purpose is maintained, and that the ’group' assumes responsibility for those who by virtue of youth, ago, ill-health or misfortune are unable fully to support themselves.
Available in Print form, East Africana Collection, Dr Wilbert Chagula Library, ( EAF FOS F79.C63)
Constraints, Rural Development, Tradition, Heroes
Fosbrooke, Henry A. (1988) Constraints on rural development: the effect of tradition