The effects of married life on women’s political participation: a case study of Kilosa district, Morogoro



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University of Dar es Salaam


The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of married life on women’s political participation in Kilosa district. Specifically, the study investigated the reasons for insufficient political participation of married women, examined the initiatives used by men to support or stop married women’s political participation and explored the significance of married women’s political participation in the communities’ eyes. In order to situate the study in a proper academic context, two theories were adopted for data collection, analysis and interpretation, namely Feminist theories and Social psychology theory. Methodologically, the study adopted descriptive and diagnostic research design. Both qualitative and quantitative research methods were used to collect data presented in this dissertation. Basically, 152 respondents [73 (52%) men and 79 (58%) women] were involved. Data were collected by using interviews, questionnaires and focus group discussions. Findings revealed that married life affects women’s political participation positively and negatively. Therefore, there are some women who are benefiting from married life; on the other side, there are some women who are constrained by married life when they want to take political positions. For future improvements of married women’s political participation, the study recommends that married women empowerment should be done by building their capacity and giving them opportunities not only in politics, but also financially. Men also should be sensitized more to support all women leaders.


Available in print form, East Africana Collection, Dr. Wilbert Chagula Library, Class mark (THS EAF HQ1236.5T34A32)


Women, Political activity, Married women, Kilosa district, Morogoro, Tanzania


Adam, S. (2014) The effects of married life on women’s political participation: a case study of Kilosa district, Morogoro, Master dissertation, University of Dar es Salaam. Dar es Salaam.