Gender wage differentials in the formal employment in Tanzania

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University of Dar es Salaam
Labour market outcomes in Tanzania, like elsewhere yield a great impact on the quality of life of workers in general and women in particular as well as their families. It is common knowledge that gender differences tend to occur in the extent, forms and strategies for participation in the labour market as well as the differences in pay between women and men. This study uses OLS estimate and the Oaxaca decomposition to analyse the existence of gender wage differential in formal employment sector in Tanzania. The findings from this study indicated the significant existence of earning differentials between genders in the formal employment sector of the economy. However, the findings indicated the presence of discrimination against women and that it prevails 4111 more in the public sector than in the private sector. This study therefore gives an insight on gender wage differentials with a view of reducing the wage gap between men and women and between sectors. It enables us to understand the underlying factors for wage differentials in Tanzania. Based on empirical findings the study provides policy options that could help Tanzania to reduce gender pay disparities at all level in the economy. Furthermore, the study is useful in augmenting the limited literature on the specificities of gender earning differential.
Available in print form, East Africana Collection, Dr. Wilbert Chagula Library, Class Mark (THS EAF HD6059.6.T34P37)
Women, Employment, Sex discriminination in employment
Lacha, S. P (2007) Gender wage differentials in the formal employment in Tanzania, Master dissertation, University of Dar es Salaam