Factors influencing differences in academic performance in public and private secondary schools in Tanzania: the case of Kibaha and Kisarawe Districts

dc.contributor.authorSasi, Halima Mohamed
dc.descriptionavailable in printen_US
dc.description.abstractThis study was designed to examine factors influencing differences in academic performance in public and private secondary schools in Kibaha and Kisarawe districts. The study investigated three areas of interest: the existing gap in academic performance among the schools, factors contributing to the differences in academic performance and measures taken to improve the academic performance of the schools. The study employed qualitative research approach to collect relevant data for the study. A total of seventy five respondents were used to generate data for the study. These were 1 Regional Education Officer (REO), 2 District Education Officers (DEOs), 4 headmasters, 4 academic teachers, 20 teachers, 32 students and 12 parents. The study used four methods of data collection namely interview, focus group discussion, documentary review and observation. A combination of these methods ensured reliability of the data collected. The study revealed that, firstly, there was notable variation in academic performance in both public and private secondary schools. Second, school environment, salaries for teachers, administration of the schools, government policy on education and availability of teachers were the main factors contributing to good or poor performance in the public and private secondary schools. Third, among public and private secondary schools, some schools maintained higher academic performance while others maintained poor performance. Lastly, the study found that poor performing schools were facing a lot of problems including inadequate infrastructural set up, failure to pay good salaries and other fringe benefits, lack of discipline among students, poor school leadership, teachers not adequately preparing lesson plans, schemes of work and lesson log books and poor enrolment system. The study recommends that, first there is a need to formulate policies and strategies of promoting quality education in the country. Second, all education stakeholders need to collaborate in creating a more conducive teaching and learning environment. Third, there is a need to provide better salaries and more incentives to the teaching staff and education leaders to motivate them work hard and more professionally. Fourth, the policy and laws governing the education system should be clearly understood by all teachers and administrative staff. Fifth, schools need to have interschool competition and interchange examinations to enhance academic performance among the students. Finally, there is a need to re establish the form two examinations.en_US
dc.identifier.citationSasi, H.M(2011) Factors influencing differences in academic performance in public and private secondary schools in Tanzania: the case of Kibaha and Kisarawe Districts, master dissertation, University of Dar es Salaam, availableen_US
dc.publisherUniversity of Dar es Salaamen_US
dc.subjectAcademic achievementen_US
dc.subjectSecondary educationen_US
dc.subjectKibaha districten_US
dc.subjectKisarawe districten_US
dc.titleFactors influencing differences in academic performance in public and private secondary schools in Tanzania: the case of Kibaha and Kisarawe Districtsen_US
