Evaluation of the role of promotion tools used in marketing Zanzibar as a tourist destination

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University of Dar es Salaam
The main objective of this study was to evaluate the role of promotion tools used in marketing Zanzibar as a tourist destination in terms of creating greater market awareness, influencing tourist’ decision to visit Zanzibar, and developing future behaviours of clients. The study was based on a survey of tour operators and international tourists, together with the experience of tourism experts and stakeholders obtained from a survey. Simple random sampling was used to select tour operators from a list of small and medium tourism enterprises registered by Zanzibar commission for tourism. Tourists were surveyed using incidental sampling while purposive sampling procedures were employed to conduct the experience survey. Data were analyzed using statistical techniques with the help of the statistical package foe social sciences. The results show that tour operators’ promotion campaigns are very effective in influencing tourists’ decisions to visit Zanzibar and in encouraging repeat visit, although there are hindrances which limit this behavior. There exists a significant difference in effectiveness of various promotion tools. Also, promotion campaigns are very effective in encouraging visitors to develop future desired behavour. It is recommended that tourism promoters should undertake aggressive promotion campaigns through using personal selling encouraging positive “word-of-mouth” communication and the internet. There is a need to review the current tourism promotion policy, prioritize the training and development of human resources and to establish a special tourism promotion and development fund to develop SMTEs in Zanzibar.
Available in print form, East Africana Collection, Dr. Wilbert Chagula Library, Class mark (THS EAF HF6161.T63Z35M852)
Tourism, Advertising, Zanzibar
Mwazini, M. H (2009) Evaluation of the role of promotion tools used in marketing Zanzibar as a tourist destination, Master dissertation, University of Dar es Salaam