An empirical analysis of the factors influencing export demand for Tanzania's fish (1980-1994)

dc.contributor.authorMbowe, Wilfred Elias
dc.descriptionAvailable in print formen_US
dc.description.abstractA deliberate effort has been put since 1986 to diversifying the Tanzania's economy from traditional export to include non-traditional exports (fish and fishery products being one of them). The aim has been to realize enough foreign exchange to cater for imports of goods and services. Tanzania exports relatively small quantities of fish and fishery products when compared with other African countries with relatively low production of fish products. The study intended to investigate the factors influencing export demand for Tanzania's fish. Using the traditional linear regression technique, Tanzania's export price of fish and scale variable (the world total expenditure on fish imports) has been found to influence the export demand for fish from Tanzania. Since price and income seem to influence the export demand for fish and fishery products from Tanzania, important policy implications arise. Improvement of quality of Tanzania's fish exports, and specialization on products that can be produced at least cost should be done. Aggressive expansion of fish markets is necessary to be able to increase the scale of fish exports. This calls for exploring the type of fish demanded by each particular markets in order to satisfy their demands. Further, expansion of markets will help in diversifying the risk of demand fluctuation from few major importers. Finally, better harvesting technology especially for artisanal fisher folk and management of fishery resources are important policy aspects for enhancing the sustainability of this industry.en_US
dc.identifier.citationMbowe, W. E. (1996) An empirical analysis of the factors influencing export demand for Tanzania's fish (1980-1994), Masters’ dissertation, University of Dar es Salaam. Available at (
dc.publisherUniversity of Dar es Salaamen_US
dc.subjectFish tradeen_US
dc.titleAn empirical analysis of the factors influencing export demand for Tanzania's fish (1980-1994)en_US