Further light on rock engravings in Northern Tanganyika

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The Kilimanjaro area of Tanganyika recently yielded a discovery which shed light on the meaning of the linear meandering engravings on rocks which cannot be interpreted without reference to the social environment in which they occur; a description of these rock engravings and their relationship to the Chagga age-grade system was recently published by Chief Petro Marealle and myself in Man, 1952, 244 and 263. But another type of engraving on rocks, namely the cup or pock marks which have been described by Leakey (‘Preliminary Report 011 Examination of the Engaraka Ruins,’ Tang. N. and R., No. 1 (1936), p. 59) and myself (‘Rift Valley Ruins,’ Tang. N. and R., No. 6 (1938), p. 59) as occurring 011 various sites in this area remained unexplained. An answer to this latter riddle has now come to light in the North Pare mountains, less than 25 miles from Marangu where the previously described engravings were found.The Pare, mountains rise 2,000 feet or more above the level of the surrounding plains. They present for settlement neither gentle slopes such as occur at the foot of Kilimanjaro, nor plateau conditions such as are found in the Kenya Highlands. But in spite of a very broken topography they are thickly inhabited by a group now known as the Pare. Historically those at the extreme north are more properly called Gweno and the remainder Asu. It is in the country of the former that the site of the pock-marked rocks occurs.
Available in print form, East Africana Collection, Dr .Wilbert Changula Library( EAF FOS F78.F8)
Rock, Engravings
Fosbrooke, Henry A.(1954).Further light on rock engravings in Northern Tanganyika