Leadership bahaviour and functioning of educational institutions in Tanzania: a study of selected public primary schools in Iringa (rural) district
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University of Dar es Salaam
The aim of the study was to examine leadership behaviour patterns in relation to the poor functioning of public primary schools in Iringa Rural District. The sample included the District Education Officer, Ward Education Coordinator, 6 head teachers, 60 teachers, 12 pupils and 12 parents. Literature survey was based on leadership practices in relation to achievement of schools' objectives. The conceptual framework was based on the path-goal contingency theory as advocated by Koontz and Weihrich (1990). Multiple data collection procedures were employed. Instruments used were documentary review, interviews and questionnaire.
Major findings indicated that: One, the MoEC lacked clear mechanisms for monitoring leadership behaviours of educational leaders. Two, head teachers' leadership practices were irregularly monitored. This paved the way for the existence of irresponsible and autocratic head teachers in some primary schools. Three, an ineffective school leadership was found to be the main factor that contributes to differences in proper school functioning. Finally, in less performing schools, there was poor parental involvement in school management as a result of inefficient leadership aspects.
The researcher recommended that: one, the MoEC should develop strong and close mechanisms that will monitor head teachers' leadership behaviours. Two, there should be regular supervision of head teachers' leadership practices, and where possible, ineffective ones be replaced. Three parents should be involved in all matters pertaining to school management so that they will contribute fully in improving the quality of schools.
Available in print form, Eat Africana Collection, Dr. Wilbert Chagula Library,(THS EAF LB1523.T34D3)
Primary education, Leadership, Public Primary Schools, Iringa District
Damian, V. K. (2003) Leadership bahaviour and functioning of educational institutions in Tanzania: a study of selected public primary schools in Iringa (rural) district. Masters dissertation, University of Dar es Salaam, Dar es Salaam.