ICT classroom application practices in Tanzania’s certificate teaching training colleges the case of Mpuguso and Sumbawanga ttcs

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University of Dar es Salaam
This study investigated the deployment of ICT in the classroom to enhance the teaching and learning process in Tanzania's Certificate Teachers Training Colleges (CTTCs). Specifically, the study examined and identified the methods used in the teaching and learning of ICT, assessed the ICT infrastructures and facilities available in the CTTCs under study and their accessibility. The study also examined the perceptions of tutors and teacher trainees on the use of ICT in the teaching and learning process in the classroom in addition to exploring the tutors' professional attainments in ICT and its implications on the teaching process using two CTTCs, Mpuguso and Sumbawanga in Mbeya and Rukva regions, respectively. This research undertaking deployed a qualitative research approach coupled with some elements of quantitative techniques while making use of a case study design. The study has established that both C'H'Cs face a critical shortage of computers, and offer limited time for both tutors and students to use the computers. They also face erratic electricity supply, and poor and slow computer network system. In addition, tutors of these CTTCs have inadequate training opportunities, hence their inability to use ICT effectively to support teaching and learning. Therefore, the study concludes that the CTTCs need to overcome the constraints which critically undermine the ICT application in enhancing the teaching and learning process. Consequently, the study recommends that the government, through the MoEVT's Department of Teacher Education, should buy high capacity bandwidth to ensure adequate, reliable and faster internet services in all the teachers training colleges. In addition, the MoEVT should ensure adequate provision of ICT facilities and training opportunities for college teaching and non-teaching staff.
Available in print form, East Africana Collection, Dr. Wilbert Chagula Library, Class mark (THS EAF LB1028.5.T34K54)
Teacher centers, Computer assisted instruction, Mpuguso Teacher Training College, Sumbawanga Teacher Training College, Tanzania
Kilale, S.S.S.(2011) ICT classroom application practices in Tanzania’s certificate teaching training colleges the case of Mpuguso and Sumbawanga ttcs. Master dissertation, University of Dar es Salaam. Dar es Salaam.