An investigation into information needs of primary school teachers: a case study of Geita district



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University of Dar es Salaam


Primary school teachers form the educational base of any nation through the teaching and learning process. They provide various educational directives in their schools to enhance good performance. The broad objective of this study was to investigate information needs of primary school teachers through a case study of Geita district. Methodologically, this study was a qualitative study. Data for this study were collected using a combination of techniques namely; face to face interviews, observations and a questionnaire with open and close ended questions. Sixty respondents participated in this study and these were drawn randomly from Geita district council using the district register. Key findings revealed that primary school teachers lack access to current and relevant information and these impacts negatively on the quality of teaching and learning. Information poverty in these schools is attributed to several factors including lack of modern libraries, teacher's resource centres, ICT centres and ICT infrastructure and facilities. Findings also revealed that most of teachers need books (68%) and newspapers (8 %) to find information. A key recommendation of this study is that district councils and MOVT should establish and fund libraries, TRCs and ICT centres to reduce information poverty among teachers.


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Information needs, Teachers, Directives, Geita district


Msita, Z. A. (2008) An investigation into information needs of primary school teachers: a case study of Geita district,Masters’ dissertation, University of Dar es Salaam. Available at (