The impact of decentralization by devolution on teachers’ services delivery in Tanzania:a case of Urambo District Council

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University of Dar es Salaam
The study sought to assess the impact of decentralization by devolution policy on delivery teachers’ services to secondary school teachers using a case study of Urambo District. The objectives of the study were: First, to find out impact of decentralization by devolution on services delivered to teachers and types of services delivered to them in pre and post decentralization periods; secondly, to find out the challenges encountered by teachers and their employer in delivery of teachers services; thirdly, to find out if decentralization by devolution policy provided opportunity for teachers to participate in decision making concerning the required improvements of their services and lastly, to find out constraints in delivering teachers services in both centralized and decentralized systems. The research questions guided this study included the following: First, does decentralization by devolution provide teachers with adequate services and types provided in both pre decentralization and post decentralization? Second; what are challenges encountered by both teachers and employer in delivering teachers’ services before and after decentralization? Third; what are the specific methods/strategies used by the employer to get recommendations from teachers for improvements of provision of teachers’ services? Finally; what are the constraints affecting the process of teachers’ services delivery in pre and post decentralized systems? The study adopted a case study design which utilized both qualitative and quantitative approaches in data collection. The study was conducted in fifteen secondary schools in Urambo District, Tabora Region and involved 4 district officials, 15 heads of schools and 89 teachers. Data were collected through documentary review, semi-structured interviews and questionnaires where qualitative data were subjected to content analysis, while quantitative data were extracted, classified and computed into frequencies using Microsoft excel programme. Findings showed that decentralization by devolution provided more of teachers’ services than during centralization where services such as promotions, health and safety services, moving allowances, burial, professional development, consultancy, on job confirmations were adequately provided after decentralization. The challenges encountered by both teachers and employer in delivering teachers’ services included, inactive TSD office, abusive and poor language, poor transport for teachers, red tape and delay of payments, insufficient resources and poor documentation. On the other hand, teachers were involved and participated in decision making through meetings. Specifically, the employer obtained recommendations through teachers’ meetings, school reports and customer/clients complaints desk, which enhanced provision of services. The study concluded that decentralization promises relatively better provision of teachers’ services than was centralization. It is evident from the study that decentralization by devolution policy positively affects delivery of teachers’ services. Finally, the study recommends that, in order to reduce the problem of teachers’ services delivery, the Government through the Ministry of Education and Vocational Training, has to consider employment of competent and enough staff to furnish Teachers Services Department office, also to consider utilizing teachers themselves by appointing some personnel to work in the office. Further, the said ministry has to reorient the district level staff on how to deal with teachers services by communicating with teachers to ensure they are timely provided with their requisite services.
Available in print form, University of Dar es salaam Library Dr. Wilbert Chagula , classmark (THS EAF LB2862.T34M98)
Schools, Decentralization, Teacher, Urambo district councial, Primary school teachers, Secondary schools teaching, Tanzania
Mzungu, L. C(2013)The impact of decentralization by devolution on teachers’ services delivery in Tanzania:a case of Urambo District Council,Master dissertation, University of Dar es salaam, Dar es Salaam