The role of training on employees' performance in the regulatory agencies Tanzania: a case of Surface and Marine Transport Regulatory Agency (SUMATRA)
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University of Dar es Salaam
The study oversees the role of training on employees' performance in Tanzania regulatory agencies. The study was guided by three objectives; namely, the extent to which training budget relates to employee performance, the influence of types of training offered on employee performance and extent to which management support to employees training influence performance. The research designs used to collect and analyzing data were qualitative and quantitative designs. 70 respondents were randomly selected from SUMATRA. Questionnaire, interview and documentary reviews were used to collect data. Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) was used for statistical analysis to capture mean, mode and standard deviation for the study findings. It revealed the positive relationship between adequacy of training budget and employees' performance. It was further reported that SUMATRA has inadequate budget for training its staff Secondly, it was revealed that types of training have influence on employees' performance. The findings add that there was no training policy at SUMATRA. In addition, it was reported that there was management readiness to support employees training. It was further revealed that SUMATRA identifies staff for career development in order to influence employees’ performances. However, it was revealed that there was employees' dissatisfaction with management readiness to support employees training at SUMATRA. The study recommends that SUMATRA should allocate adequate training funds and other resources in the budget for training. SUMATRA should also initiate dialogue to come up with policy to guide and address issues of funding, selection criteria, study leave and coordination of employees training. Finally, the study recommends that knowledgeable management team is needed at SUMATRA in order to identify training opportunities and needs.
Available in print form, EAF collection, Dr. Wilbert Chagula Library (THS EAF HF 5549.5.T7T34M59)
Employees, Training, Sumatra, Regulatory agencies, Tanzania
Miyonga, Victoria S (2016) The role of training on employees' performance in the regulatory agencies Tanzania: a case of Surface and Marine Transport Regulatory Agency (SUMATRA) ,Masters dissertation, University of Dar es Salaam, Dar es Salaam