Socio-economic impacts of compulsory land acquisition on project affected persons in Tanzania: the case of selected urban areas in Dar es Salaam
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This study analyzed the socio-economic impacts of compulsory land acquisition on project affected persons in urban areas of Tanzania some years after relocating to new settlements. Face-to-face interviews, focus group discussions and field observations were used to obtain data from PAPs and officials involved in the projects. Snowball sampling technique was used to get the project affected persons. The results revealed a set of negative socio-economic impacts on PAPs’ lives because rebuilding their livelihoods after relocation was difficult. The observed impacts included loss/dislocation of occupation; loss of shelter; living in un-finished houses; decline of PAPs’ income levels; breakup of social networks; loss of access to adequate services; and disruption of education programs for schooling children. All these were a result of lack of transparency and participation of PAPs in the process, non-adherence to procedures by government officials. Other reasons were weaknesses of the compensation package, un-prepared new settlements and lack of a resettlement policy in the country. However, a positive impact on security of tenure was also observed to PAPs who managed to obtain surveyed plots from the government. KipawaMpya is an example, where PAPs shifted from informal to formalized land use rights. The study recommends for proper planning of CLA programs; the need for resettlement policy in the country; revisiting legal frameworks on CLA and compensation and community participation for pertinent undertaking of CLA projects in urban areas of Tanzania.