Examination of procurement management factors and performance of public procuring entities: a case of Public Universities

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University of Dar es Salaam
The study was conducted at University of Dar es Salaam, Ardhi University and Open University of Tanzania on “Examination of Procurement Management Factors and performance of public procuring Entities: a case of public Universities.” The main objective of the study was to examine procurement management factors and their influence on performance of public procuring entities. Specific objectives of the study were to determine how procurement practitioners’ competence affects performance of PEs, to determine how procurement practitioners compliance with PPA 2011 affect performance of PEs and to identify how implementation of annual procurement plans affect performance of PEs. The study employed descriptive design. Data were collected through questionnaires, indepth interviews and documentary reviews. The study findings revealed that majority of procurement practitioners were competent but had low level of compliance to PPA 2011. It was also found that ARU, UDSM and OUT prepared APP for each financial year except that the APP was not followed according to the stated dates of the plan. It was further revealed that funds were neither adequate nor allocated on time to enable procurement to take place when desired. Hypothesis testing confirmed that competence level of practitioners was strongly related to procurement performance. On the other hand, there was no relationship between compliance to APP and procurement performance. Also it was further confirmed that the relationship between implementation of APP and public procurement performance in public PEs was significant. The results have implications to knowledge policy and practice. The study recommends to procurement and supplies related bodies to increase their emphasis on compliance with the Act and regulations through staff training. The study recommends to management to provide funds in time in order to smoothly implent APP. Other similar studies can be done to other procuring Entities to investigate other procurement management factors not covered in this study. They can also examine other challenges facing public sector procurement not covered in this study.
Available in print form, East Africana Collection, Dr. Wilbert Chagula Library, Class mark (THS EAF JF1525.P85T34C4758)
Government purchasing, Management, Public universities and colleges, Tanzania
Chuwa, Michael Patrick (2016) Examination of procurement management factors and performance of public procuring entities: a case of Public Universities, Master dissertation, University of Dar es Salaam