The effect of small scale irrigation schemes on rural livelihoods in mbarali district, Tanzania
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Over the past 30 years, there has been a rapid expansion in the irrigated areas that influence lives of the people. Irrigation is the key livelihood activity in Mbarali district. However, to what extent does small scale irrigation schemes changes lives of the people in are could not be adequately studied. The current study focused on investigating the amount of irrigation produce in relation to the financial gains, expenditure and the family overall needs. Specifically, the study sought to determine the contribution of irrigation schemes towards the improved livelihoods of the people in Mbarali District. In this regard, the study aimed at making an appraisal on Mbarali people’s knowledge and skills in the management and conservation of irrigation agriculture. It also examine the role government and international organizations in developing small scale irrigation schemes in Mbarali district. Data were obtained through the use of interviews, focus goup discussion, participatory rural appraisal and GIS. Data were analysed by using qualitative and quanative tools. As the result, th study revealed that, 85% of the famers believe that irrigation farming is the most profitable and income generating catalyst. 12% irrigators’ households could pay school fees at more than US