Analysis of the contribution of wildlife management areas in enhancing livelihood security to community; the case of Radileni WMA



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University of Dar es Salaam


This study was conducted around Randileni CBWMA in Monduli district. The study aimed at analyzing the contribution of Community Based Wildlife Management towards enhancing livelihood security in Randileni Community based Wildlife Management Area (CBWMA). Various rese arch techniques were applied to capture socio-economic, livelihood and contribution m ade by Randileni CBWAMA in three villages; namely Naitolia, Msuakini and Msuakini juu Household surveys were conducted, to capture quantitative primary data, meanwhile Key Informant interviews, Focus Group Discussion and field observation methods were utilized to collect qualitative primary data. In addition, financial report and other publications related to Randileni CBWMA and wildlife were used as secondary information. It was noted that, the community had diverse socio economic stat us whereby; livestock rearing was major followed by agriculture. Other livelihood activities reported by members of the community included hunting and gathering, petty trade unskilled labour, employment, handcraft, milling machine and tractor for farming activities. Presence of CBWMA has had an impact on the livelihood of the local community. It was noted that, households had adopted multitude of activities yet, there were household adopted new livelihood activities such as motorcycle business (Bodaboda) 45.5%, petty trade (27.3%) artisan's (9.1%), handcraft (9.1%) and agriculture (9.1%) which diversified livelihood in the Maasai nomadic way of lifestyle. The presence Randileni CBWMA made significant contribution in livelihood to the whole community as well as an individual household; major contribution noted was access to land 64.07%, wildlife protection 9.5% and others. Findings show that, the local community gained significant income of about 20257499.16 Tsh per .village in 2016/17 from tourism meanwhile Randileni CBWMA gained significant income from tourism and other development partners as well. Therefore, presence of Randileni CBWMA was perceived positively as a community livelihood companion. However, challenges were noted, which required improvement, such as loss of privilege, which was enjoyed by local community before establishment of Randileni CBWMA, human wildlife conflict and decreasing pastures and agricultural land. It has been concluded that, Randileni CBWMA has made significant contribution to livelihood security and diversification to an individual household and the general community through provision of necessary livelihood enhancing services. The Randileni CBWMA has contributed directly and indirectly to local community and Randileni CBWMA, through series of activities, goods and services which keep on increasing as the association is getting consolidated through investment in physical infrastructures and promotion of tourism and hospitality services. Therefore, despite the challenges accompanied to fluctuating opportunities offered through Randileni CBWMA; the livelihood-security is secured and enhanced.


Available in print form, EAF collection , Dr. Wilbert Chagula Library, class mark (THS EAF SK575.T34M65)


Wildlife Management areas, Randileni Wildlife Management Area


Mombo, M.M (2017 ) Available in print form, EAF collection, Dr. Wilbert Chagula Library, class mark, Masters dissertation, University of Dar es Salaam, Dar es Salaam.