Factors hindering the effective management of the performance appraisal function: a case of National Insurance Corporation of Tanzania Limited.

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University of Dar es Salaam
In a rapidly changing environment, each time an innovation occurs that makes an Organization more competitive, it often makes previous successes irrelevant. Past success is no guarantee of future success. As a result, the Organization must attend to new markets and opportunities revaluate their structure and process. One consequence of the fight for survival and success is the current wide spread realization within organizations that people are their most important asset. Appraising the Performance of staff therefore is increasingly being seen as an essential ingredient for effective Management of Organizations. Performance Appraisal systems are now widely recognized as a coherent approach towards evaluation of staff performance. The main purpose of this study is to determine and examine factors hindering the effectiveness of the Performance Appraisal function in promoting efficiency and productivity at NIC. The specific objectives of the study were firstly to Identify and examine factors that inhibit the effectiveness of the Performance Appraisal program at NIC, to Identify the extent to which NIC employees and Management understands the system of appraisal in their organization, to find out if the appraisal system currently in place at NIC has an effective feedback mechanism to relay back appraisal results, to investigate whether the existing appraisal system at NIC prepares managers for the Performance Appraisal program, to ascertain whether Performance Appraisal program at NIC is carried out with the intent of achieving its objectives of improving employees as well as Organizational performance and to find out if the appraisal system currently in place at NIC uses more than one instruments to capture as many job attributes as possible. The data was collected through a case study and methods of data collection, which were used, were documentary review, interviews, questionnaires and observation. The study found that Performance Appraisal function in NIC is poorly performed. The approach never obtain the desired objective, most of the NIC employees are not aware of the programme, managers /supervisor do not know how to conduct Performance Appraisal programme, employees do not receive feedback of their performance and also there is only one instrument which cater across the whole Organization. The study therefore concludes that the Management of NIC has to improve the Performance Appraisal especially, Performance instrument, as well as ensure that employees receive on going coaching and performance feedback so as to understand what is expected of them and how well they perform against expectations. The study therefore recommends that in order for NIC to have an effective Performance Appraisal programme, the Management has to provide more support to the whole exercise of implementing Performance Appraisal system. HRD should oversee and Coordinate its implementation.
Personnel management, National Insurance Corporation (T) Limited, Performance standards, Tanzania
Fanuel, M.(2004). Factors hindering the effective management of the performance appraisal function: a case of National Insurance Corporation of Tanzania Limited. Masters dissertation, University of Dar es Salaam. Available at (