Determinants of households’ poverty in Tanzania analysis of the 2007 household budget survey using consumption approach



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University of Dar es Salaam


This dissertation is on the analysis of the determinants of poverty in Mainland Tanzania using 2007 Household Budget Survey data. The study aims at adding value and knowledge in understanding what poverty is, how it can be measured and its impacts to our nation at large. The core of value addition is on the determinants of poverty using the case study as chosen. Consumption of the household was used as an indicator of the welfare in the analysis of determinants of poverty among 9,222 households. Econometric analysis was conducted using log-linear regression and logit model in STATA 11. Empirical findings indicated that, household head not attained any grade of education, large household size, living in rural area, living in a house roofed by local materials and not accessible to main grid electricity increase the likelihood of basic needs poverty and food poverty. Marginal effects results after logistic regressions indicated all these variables have significant effect at one percent level. The same results on rural area, education of the household head and household size are found by Charles et al., (2007), Ghazouani and Goaied (2001), Nelesh (2013) and Kirama (2004).The implications for policy are that: investments in education for households, access to infrastructure such as utilities, and reduction of rural-urban differences in economic opportunities should be targeted. The utility of a small household and the quality of household headship may need special emphasis too.


Available in print form, East Africana Collection, Dr. Wilbert Chagula Library, Class mark (THS EAF HS79.P6S28)


Poverty, Household, Tanzania


Saudari, H. (2014) Determinants of households’ poverty in Tanzania analysis of the 2007 household budget survey using consumption approach, Master dissertation, University of Dar es Salaam, Dar es Salaam