An evaluation of the influence of financing strategies on the successfulness of road projects in Tanzania

dc.contributor.authorMbwelei, Nurdin Bakari
dc.descriptionAvailable in print form, East Africana Collection, Dr. Wilbert Chagula Library, Class Mark ( THS EAF HE367.T34M3258)en_US
dc.description.abstractThe thrust of this study was to evaluate the influence of financing strategies on the successfulness of road projects in Tanzania. Specifically, the study evaluated the influence of the government financing strategy on the successfulness of road projects, evaluated the influence of multilateral financing strategy on the successfulness of road projects and also evaluated the influences of bilateral financing strategy on the successfulness of road projects. The case study on financing strategy was used to get necessary and required data to answer the research questions. The study used secondary data which were then analyzed through simple statistics. The analysis reveals that, for the government financing strategy about 31.8% of road projects are completed on time while only 0.4% don’t deviate from the budget. For multilateral financing strategy 18.4% of the road projects are completed on time, and 6.9% are cost effective while for bilateral financing strategies 24.7% are time efficient and only 5.9% are cost efficient. For the quality of the road projects, the findings reveal that the bilateral financed projects are of high quality compared to government and bilateral financing strategies. The findings of the study reveal that the financing strategies had small impacts on the completion of the road projects. Also the study found that, the government financed projects are always completed with cost effective but take too long than the planned time, while those financed by bilateral and multilateral financing strategy are not cost effective but seem to be completed with minimal extension of time. The findings reveal further that for the quality side, bilateral financed projects are good compared to those financed by the government and multilateral as they have poor quality. The findings obtained from the study have implications to the financiers, the responsible authorities and even the government on improving the overall projects management, specifically the road projects. Therefore, it is recommended that the part involved (financiers) should improve the project management concept so as to make sure that projects are completed successfully. It is also recommended that, the project management should take care of all factors concerning the successfulness of the project in terms of cost, time and quality.en_US
dc.identifier.citationMbwelei, N. B (2015) An evaluation of the influence of financing strategies on the successfulness of road projects in Tanzania, Master dissertation, University of Dar es Salaamen_US
dc.publisherUniversity of Dar es Salaamen_US
dc.titleAn evaluation of the influence of financing strategies on the successfulness of road projects in Tanzaniaen_US
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