The effects of parents' social-economic status on students' dropout from community secondary schools in Meru district council in Arusha region, Tanzania.

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University of Dar es Salaam
The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of parents' social-economic status on school dropout from community secondary schools in Meru District council. Specifically, the study intended to assess the influence of parents' marital status on students' dropout from community secondary schools, assess the influence of parents' education level on students' dropout from community secondary schools, examine how plenty ' economic status determines community secondary schools students' dropout and find out strategies for managing school dropout from community secondary schools. The conceptual framework was adapted from Millanzi (2005) in which either predictor or precipitating variables or both predictor and precipitating variables lead to outcome. Both qualitative and quantitative research approaches were used in the study hence triangulation approach applying a descriptive survey design. A total of 120 respondents in the categories of parents, heads of schools, ward executive offers, dropouts and continuing students were approached through purposive, stratified, and random sampling techniques. Data were collected through interviews, questionnaires and documentary reviews and were qualitatively and quantitatively analysed. The study found out that polygamous and single parent .families resulted to students school dropout. Most parents were found to be at the level of primary education, a low parents education connected to poverty and financial inability resulting to school dropout. Students from educated parents had less dropouts. Students from low social economic households were more likely to drop out of school than those from well to do families. Dropouts' economic activities were found to be petty business, family work, mining, manual work and domestic servant which parents economic activities were farming, livestock husbandry, mining and small business person. Both children and parents' economic activities were responsible for student’s school dropout. Leaders at school and ward levels dealt with dropout problems establishment of village parents organization, both the government and the community must play their parts, pregnant girls be returned to school after delivery and formation of village/ward by-laws against students school dropout were the opinions how to improve the situation of school dropout. The study recommended parents sensitization on the importance of secondary education, hostels/dormitories to be built in community secondary schools, school fees and other contributions to be reduced, parents should make sure they provide school basic needs and make follow up of students schooling, community need develop its own strategies to cure the problem of school dropout. For further study, it was recommended that similar study be conducted in the community, private and government owned secondary schools in other districts for wider views on the magnitude of the problem and generalization of the findings.
Available in print form, East Africana Collection, Dr. Wilbert Chagula Library, Class mark (THS EAF LC146.5.T34M34)
School dropouts, Dropouts, High school dropouts, Community school dropouts, Secondary school dropouts, Parents, Economic conditions, Meru district council, Arusha region, Tanzania
Malley, S. A. (2011). The effects of parents' social-economic status on students' dropout from community secondary schools in Meru district council in Arusha region, Tanzania. Master dissertation, University of Dar es Salaam.