An analysis of HIV/AIDS preventive programmes among high school students in Kinondoni municipal council.

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University of Dar es Salaam.
This study was about An Analysis of HIV/AIDS Preventive Programmes among High School Students in Kinondoni Municipal Council. The study relied on multiple sources of information and data obtained from both primary and secondary sources. Primary data were obtained from the field in three selected secondary schools in Kinondoni Districts in Dar es Salaam region in Tanzania, while secondary data were collected from various literatures related to the study. The methodology was guided by descriptive research design. The sampling design was simple random sampling of 80 students were selected and given questionnaires. Thirty two teachers were interviewed and all returned the questionnaires. The aim was to interview four officials at Kinondoni Municipality headquarters, but only one official was interviewed. Lastly, the study interviewed two officials at the Tanzania Institute of Education. The results show that the Ministry of Education and Vocational Training Strategic Plan of 2003 - 2007 has failed to stop transmission HIV virus among Secondary School students in Kinondoni District. The main problem being to translate the policy to real life situation. Teachers lack training and resources to conduct life skills education to their students. Also, students got most of their information from their peers, hence most of them got wrong information. The government through the ministry must do more to improve teachers’ knowledge on HIV and AIDS through capacity building both at the Teachers College and in schools. Peers education must be strengthen as most students get HIV/AIDS information from their peers.
Available in printed form, East Africana Collection, Dr. Wilbert Chagula Library, Class mark (EAFTHS RA644.A25T34C67)
HIV/AIDS preventive programmes, High school, Students, Kinondoni municipal council
Cosmas, D. R (2009) An analysis of HIV/AIDS preventive programmes among high school students in Kinondoni municipal council. Master dissertation, University of Dar es Salaam. Dar es Salaam.