Juma, Abrahamani Mzee2020-05-222020-05-222019Juma, A.M (2019) Relationship between early marriage and marriage instability: a case of Chake-Chake district, Zanzibar.Master dissertation, University of Dar es Salaam, Dar es Salaam. in printed form, East Africana Collection, Dr. Wilbert Chagula LibraryThis study examined early marriage and marriage instability in Chake-Chake District in Pemba, Zanzibar. It specifically examined the factors influencing early marriage. It also examined the level and distribution of early marriage. Lastly it assessed the association of early marriage and marriage instability. The data were collected from a sample of 146 married, divorced and separated participants. The primary data were collected by using a questionnaire. Documentary reviews were used to collect secondary data. The IBM SPSS Statistics Version 20.0, Microsoft Excel and GIS were used to process and analyze the data. The findings indicated that early marriage is still existing and it is influenced by number of factors such as Education level, age at first marriage, sex, parents and relatives influence and place of residence. Level and distribution of early marriage varies in consideration to different aspects. The level and distribution is determined by sex, place of residence, education level and remarriage. Association of early marriage and marriage instability observed since results observed that there is strong association and determined through age at first marriage, comparison of the area experiencing early marriage and marriage problems. Generally, due to increased early marriage, a number of marriage instabilities increased but they differ from one place to another between rural, urban and sub-urban areas. Persons who marry young lack the knowledge and skills required for marriage and the emotional and psychological maturity essential for overcoming difficult periods in the marriage. In order to reduce early marriage in Chake-Chake District, deliberate efforts should be taken like the minimum age at first marriage should be raised to 20 years for girls. This should be done by making secondary education to girls compulsory. Secondly, deliberate effort should be taken to raise women‟s status and the government should enable them to engage in skillful employment activities so as to limit their dependency on men.enEarly marriageMarriage instabilityChake-Chake districtZanzibarRelationship between early marriage and marriage instability: a case of Chake-Chake district, ZanzibarThesis