Katono, Evelyn Happy2021-09-092021-09-092019Katono, E.H. (2019). Protection of refugees’ right to work in the East African community: case study of Kenya, Tanzania and Uganda. Masters dissertation. University of Dar es Salaam. Dar es Salaamhttp:// in print form, East Africana Collection, Dr. Wilbert Chagula Library (THS EAF HD11903.5A354K276)This study has examined the extent to which refugees are protected in the East African Community (EAC). The focus is on the protection of the right to work for refugees which has been described as being very crucial for their dignity, survival and the comer stone of all other rights. The study therefore examines the EAC laws and analyses the extent to which they protect refugees’ right to work. National labour laws as well as refugees’ legislation of Kenya, Tanzania and Uganda which are the three main refugees hosting Partner States are analyzed. The study makes reference to the good practices in other regions which is lacking in the EAC. The findings revealed that, although there are laws in place for the protection of refugees, there is no harmonization at Community level which contributes to violation of refugees’ rights. Restrictive policies have been adopted by the EAC Partner States focusing on safe guarding labour markets for their nationals. Refugees are therefore kept in Camps without the right to move particularly in Kenya and Tanzania which affects their mobility. However, Uganda has embraced the Settlement system which is more liberal and offers better prospects for refugees’ engagement in work and freedom of movement. However, there are practical challenges given the location of the Settlements. The study revealed that humanitarian assistance focuses on saving life and less effort is directed towards development which would have an impact on access to work. Recent global approaches such as the Comprehensive Refugee Response Framework (CRRF) lack political commitment from States and may not achieve the intended results.enRefugeesLegal statulaw etcLight to laborHuman rightsEast African CommunitykenyaTanzania and UgandaProtection of refugees’ right to work in the East African community: case study of Kenya, Tanzania and UgandaThesis