Fosbrooke, Henry A2021-12-022021-12-021988Fosbrooke, H.A. (1988) Pastoral land tenure in east Africahttp:// in print form, East Africana Collection, Dr Wilbert Chagula Library, (EAF FOS P26)A workshop on pastoral land tenure in east Africa, attended by 28 representatives of pastoral groups, non-governmental organizations working in pastoral areas and others, from Tanzania, Kenya and Uganda, was help at the Danish volunteer training center in Arusha, from 1-3 December 1988. The participants are listed in appendix 1. The workshop was funded by ford foundation and organizes by Jeremy swift and Charles Lane from the Institute if Development Studies, University if Sussex, who also edited this report which summarizes the discussions and the conclusion of the workshop.enAfricalandPastoral land tenure in east AfricaArticle