Fosbrooke, H. A2021-10-212021-10-211958Fosbrooke, H. A(1958). Director’s report for the year ending 31st march, 1958http:// in print form, East Africana Collection, Dr. Wilbert Chagula Library, (EAF FOS R84)The feature of the year was undoubtedly the greater impact of the Institute in particular and social research in general on Governments, commercial enterprise and private individuals throughout Central Africa. In the days when the greater proportion of the funds came from Colonial Development and Welfare there was, it is felt, a tendency amongst the local people to regard social research as something outside their orbit which they neither paid nor cared for. The commencement of the new attitude can, I think, be traced to Sir Arthur Benson’s appeal which was so successful in obtaining local funds and stimulating local interest in social research. Another event of the first importance in this connection was the establishment of the University College of Rhodesia and Nyasaland, with which the Institute’s relations are close and cordial. This awakening interest has been stimulated by the large number of talks given by the Institute’s staff to meetings and over the radio, and to the courses and groups detailed below who have visited the Institute during the year.enDirectorsReportDirector’s report for the year ending 31st march, 1958Article