Fosbrooke, H. A2021-11-092021-11-091980Fosbrooke, H. A(1980). Kimwani : general topographyhttp:// in print form, East Africana Collection, Dr. Wilbert Chagula Library, (EAF FOS K56)The country of Kimwani is comprised of a strip of coast, ranning from Ruiga Bay in the Forth to Nyamirembe Fay in the South. It is bounded on the East by the Victoria Nyanza and on the West, from Chota Bay, to the headwaters of its tributary the Kanone, by the river Ruiga. Thence the boundary persues an ill defined course at the base of the Kusubi foot hills, and joins the coast below Nyamirembe Fay. Inclusive of the Ruiga promontory it is some J5 miles long, and in no place more than 10 miles broad. A number of islands are included in the Sultanate.enKimwaniTopographyGeneralKimwani : general topographyArticle