Ahmed, Sabra2020-05-222020-05-222009Ahmed, S (2009) The idiomatic expressions used in football reporting: the case of Kiswahili newspapers in Tanzania, Master dissertation, University of Dar es Salaamhttp:// in print form, East Africana Collection, Dr. Wilbert Chagula Library, Class Mark (THS EAF PL8704.A45)This study focuses on the idiomatic expressions’ used in football reporting in Kiswahili Newspapers in Tanzania. It entails the theories of foregrounding and conversational implicature. The foregrounding theory is based on the hypothesis that expressions do not necessary carry denotative meaning but there are instances where there are additional meaning imbedded in such expressions, depending on given contexts. As for conversational implicate, the focus was on the implied meaning which can be inferred by the hearer. The two theories Centre on the assumption that the hearer’s attention is drawn upon hearing the connotative or implied expressions. In terms of the research methodology, a two way approach was used in which documentary review and interview were applied. The study carried an analysis of the idiomatic expressions used in Kiswahili football reporting and described their basic meanings in football contexts. The findings suggest that there are two types of Kiswahili football idiomatic expressions, transparent and opaque idiomatic expressions. However transparent idiomatic expressions are more used in football reporting than opaque expressions. Furthermore, the findings reveal that football reporters use these idioms not only refer to “score” but also, different things concerning football. In addition, the study found that football writers/ reporters have their own criteria for selecting idiomatic expressions to denote a team score of a goals. The study found out that idiomatic expressions are used in Kiswahili football reporting for entertainment, a marketing. Kiswahili innovation and creating distinction and uniqueness.enSwahili languagesSwahili newspapersTanzaniaThe idiomatic expressions used in football reporting: the case of Kiswahili newspapers in TanzaniaThesis