Mbekomize, Christian John2019-08-262020-01-082019-08-262020-01-081989Mbekomize, C. J (1989)The applicability of the Western financial reporting systems to Tanzania (A British influence), Masters dissertation, University of Dar es Salaam. Available at ( )http://localhost:8080/xmlui/handle/123456789/5104Available in print formBecause of historical background some countries have copied, with minor modifications, the financial accounting approaches that are practised in the countries with which they had colonial ties. This has been done at the expense of political, economic, social and cultural environments which should be the determinants of accounting rules in respective countries. Now these countries, Tanzania included (a former Trusteeship territory under British Administration), find themselves at a cross-roads of current environmental demands and historical ties. Which way to proceed? It is the objective of this dissertation to suggest what would be considered a suitable future direction in accounting practices for the young Tanzanian accountancy profession. The dissertation examines the development of financial reporting in Tanzania and relates it to the same in the United Kingdom. It reports on the extent to which financial reporting in Tanzania is influenced by the UK accounting system, discusses the problems encountered in financial reporting development in Tanzania, suggests some solutions to resolving these problems, and recommends what the Tanzanian accountancy profession should strive to achieve in the process of production and communication of accounting information in accordance to Tanzanian legal, political, social and economic structures. The Tanzanian accountancy profession may borrow the good elements from the British accounting system which are relevant to its own environment and avoid wholesale copying.enPublic financeFinancial reporting systemsWestern systems applicationBritish influencesTanzaniaThe applicability of the Western financial reporting systems to Tanzania (A British influence).Thesis