Elly, Tumsifu2019-06-222020-01-082019-06-222020-01-082011Elly, T.(2011) The Nexus between Information Systems Use and Firms’ Competitive Advantage: a study of small and medium tourism enterprises in Tanzania. Master dissertation, University of Dar es Salaam. Available at in printThis study investigates the relationship between IS use and firms competitive advantage. A conceptual model hypothesizing relationships amongst human and information systems resources, and their influence on firms’ capabilities and competitive advantage is conceived. Simultaneously, the model shows how entrepreneurial orientation, size and age of the firm influence these aspects. Market and resource based views are applied to investigate what differentiate firms’ performance as they deploy IS. A confirmatory factor analysis is used to validate the model and test the hypothesized relationships using 217 cases of SMTEs in Tanzania. From the developing countries’ context the findings demonstrate that, among small firms, conservative firms rely heavily on both human resource competences and high quality IS resources in order to compete. However, entrepreneurial firms require similar human resource competences but industriously compete using basic IS resources. On the other hand, vendors’ services complement the IS and human resource competences owned and controlled by firms, thus, influencing their performance. Industry specific skills, knowledge, experience and managerial IS skills, knowledge and experience determine firm performance. But general business skills, knowledge and experience do not. IS deployment for operational effectiveness and strategic positioning influence firms’ competitive advantage positively but integrity and innovation efficiencies do not. The findings demonstrate further that, regardless of their size, extant and entrant firms using IS could compete on an equal footing. The findings suggest that resource and market based views and firms’ entrepreneurial orientation are important in explaining the relationship between IS use and firm performance among SMTEs. Additionally, the study adds the concept of “extended firms’ IS resources and competences” which are the services and expertise offered by the vendors that complement resources and competences owned and controlled by firms. The study argues for macro and micro IS policy statements which address SMEs’ specific IS requirements and underscore their use for the operational effectiveness and strategic positioning.enSmall businessTourismTourist tradeInformation Systems, TanzaniaThe Nexus between Information Systems Use and Firms’ Competitive Advantage: a study of small and medium tourism enterprises in TanzaniaThesis