Swai, Innocent2020-04-292020-04-292013Swai, I. (2013) Factors influencing customer satisfaction in electronic billing system: a case of utility industry, Master dissertation, University of Dar es Salaam. Dar es Salaam. in printed form, East Africana Collection, Dr. Wilbert Chagula Library, Class mark ( THS EAF HF5415.335.S92)The study aimed at investigating the key factors influencing customer satisfaction in electronic billing system, a case study in utility industry. In order to achieve the intended objective, three research questions hypotheses were raised and tested to guide the study. In this study primary data was collected from TANESCO and DAWASCO customers through a semi structured questionnaire using a number of attitude scales. Findings of this study indicate that accuracy, sufficiency, content and relevancy of information in a bill are important aspects in customer satisfaction which should consistently be the intended when designing and actual output when implementing an electronic billing system. Besides, it has been found out that timely billing avoids pilling up payments by customers which may discourage timely payment of their bills to the respective utility firms. Other findings said that reliability of the system and the extent the customer service staff are dependable impact the level of customer satisfaction. It has also been found out that generally the billing systems of the two firms are neither reliable nor timely in their bill processing. More research is needed to leverage the findings and provide better and more in-depth implications for both theory and practice. To specify, the research presented measured its subjects’ perceptions of different factors affecting satisfaction in electronically processed bills. In the future with the use of a longitudinal study it might be possible to get a broader and deeper picture of the phenomenon under scrutiny. More factors need to be examined in order to come up with a more comprehensive model for the state of customer satisfaction in utility industry not postpaid alone but even for the prepaid customers.enCustomer satisfactionElectronic billing systemTANESCOWater supplyDAWASCOFactors influencing customer satisfaction in electronic billing system: a case of utility industryThesis