Mochiwa, Zacharia Salimu Marko2019-09-092020-01-072019-09-092020-01-071979Mochiwa, Z. S. M (1979) The impact of Kiswahili language on ethnic languages: a case study from Handeni district,Masters dissertation, University of Dar es Salaam. Available at ( )http://localhost:8080/xmlui/handle/123456789/1047Available in print formThis paper is an attempt to find out some of the possible Kiswahili effects on Kizigua. Chapters 1, 2 and 3 are intended to establish some of the basic facts about multilingualism and its effects on both the people in multilingual communities and the languages in contact. Chapter 4 deals with the data collected for the paper. Chapter 5 deals with the analysis of the data and chapter 6 presents the findings.enKizigua languageKiswahili languageLanguageTanzaniaThe impact of Kiswahili language on ethnic languages: a case study from Handeni districtThesis