Philipo, Edward Danstan2020-07-222020-07-222018Philipo, E. D. (2018). The impact of artisanal gold mining on socio-economic and environmental conditions of Geita district, Tanzania. Master dissertation, University of Dar es Salaam. Dar es Salaam. in print form, East Africana Collection, Dr. Wilbert Chagula Library, Class mark (THS EAF HD8039.M732.2T.34 P44)The study aimed to assess the impact of the artisanal gold mining on people’s socio-economic welfare and environment in the selected villages in Geita district. The main objective of this study was to uncover the impact of the artisanal gold mining on people’s socio-economic welfare and environment. The study consists of the specific objectives such as the level at which artisanal gold mining has improved peoples economy, the level at which artisanal gold mining has impacted the environment and investigation of the significance of existing institutional strategies in guiding artisanal miners to improve miners economy and environment sustainability. The methods used to collect information at study area are reading sources, Geita region annual report, District administrative maps, structured questionnaire surveys, field observation, GIS and remote sensing ; Quantitative data were analyzed and presented by using Statistical Packages for Social Sciences(SPSS) meanwhile qualitative data were analyzed and presented by using thematic data analysis. In this study the sampling frame was drawn from miners and non-miners. The of 196 miners and non-miners were selected because the impact of artisanal mining is likely to affect both of them: For small miners, production was organized on joint venture consisting of 7-8 miners per pit meanwhile for non miners production was organized on household basis. However, the study has recommended on the review mining act, improved mining technology, employs geologists and environmentalists at ward level, improve auditing in mineral claim, serious cooperation of all stakeholders in controlling illegal brokers and illegal export of gold.enArtisanal gold miningGold miningSocio-economic welfare and environmentMiners economyGeita districtThe impact of artisanal gold mining on socio-economic and environmental conditions of Geita district, Tanzania.Thesis