Fosbrooke, Henry A2021-10-182021-10-181986Fosbrooke, Henry A .(1986).Fire! master or servants? in print form, East Africana Collection, Dr .Wilbert Changula Library( EAF FOS F113)It has been said throughout the ages that fire is a good servant of man, but a bad master. In the domestic sphere this is all too obvious. With fire as a servant we get our food cooked, and in cold climates, our houses warmed. Fire burns the bricks to build our homes, and bakes our crockery and our cooking pots. But as far as the conservation of the environment is concerned. everyone tends to look on fire as an enemy I he frequent press reports of forests and bush fires from all quarters of the world from Australia to the Riviera, from California to our own forests on the Mau or on Kilimanjaro bear ample testimony to the loss which man suffers in property and. indeed4 in life from uncont- But as far as the conservation of the environment is concerned. everyone tends to look on fire as an enemy I he frequent press reports of forests and bush fires from all quarters of the world from Australia to the Riviera, from California to our own forests on the Mau or on Kilimanjaro bear ample testimony to the loss which man suffers in property and. indeed4 in life from uncontrolled fire.enNgorongoro conservation area (Tanzania)Fire preventionGame control area and reserveFire! master or servants?Fosbrooke, Henry A.(1986).Fire! master or servants?Article