Justin, Musonda2021-10-122021-10-122019Justin M, (2019) Ubwinga bwa kwingishaa bemba musical and cultural tradition inmalole, zambia,Masters dissertation,University of Dar es Salaam, Dar es Salaam. in print form, East Africana Collection, Dr.Wilbert Chagula Library, class mark (THS EAF DT3058.B46.Z33J87)This study was undertaken basin on the objective of identifying songs which are sung at the ubwinga bwa kwingisha, examining the indigenous musical and indigenous social cultural characteristics which determine the ubwinga bwa kwingisha tradition. An ethnographic research design was applied where data was collected from the people of Malole: Chundu,Kabamba, Mulala, and Fele villages using interviews, observation, Participant – observation and video documentation. More than fifty songs were determined to be performed at the Ukwingisha Whose indigenous social Cultural characteristics were identified and analyzed. Generally this study reveals that in the unique text of the songs, and the practices in the musical and the social cultural characteristics of the Ukwingisha ceremony, is embedded a very power full refresher of the marriage practices of the Bemba, besides the honor that this ceremony bestows. Findings reveal that this ceremony is performed for both sons and daughters – in – law in the presence of their spouses, and that the manner in in which the initiate is regarded by the in laws (good or bad person) is reflected in the songs which they use during the ceremony. A good initiate is praised while a bad one is scolded. This is the ceremony whose outcomes account for improved family unity and lived hood among married people who undergo it. Therefore this calls for illusion of some aspects of the ,Ukwingisha ceremony in Zambian curriculum of studyenBemba (African people)Ubingwa Bwa KwingishaMalole,ZambiaUbwinga bwa kwingishaa bemba musical and cultural tradition inmalole, zambiaThesis