Fosbrooke, Henry A2021-10-212021-10-211986Fosbrooke, Henry A. (1986) The division of meat after huntinghttp:// in Print form, East Africana Collection, Dr Wilbert Chagula Library, ( EAF FOS F64)A study or the division can often obtain an interesting sidelight on an African’s social obligations or an animal killed in the hunt. The following note is from an informant in Aimwan, a small-chiefdom on the west coast of Lake Victoria, AS is customary in many bantu tribes, the animal is the property of the man whose arrow first strikes the beast, even in the wound inflicted is not ratal, ne is called mwizi, and is expected to divide the meat as follows. 1. To the firer or the second arrow, called muhinga, a foreleg. 2. To the firer of the third arrow, called mterereze, two ribs of the chest, named Altererezo. 3. To the man who suggested the hunt, called murarlke, the throat, mumiro. 4. To the finder or the shaft or the first arrow, the base or the tail, named nchirati.enHuntinghuntingdivision of meatThe division of meat after huntingArticle