Vinokurov, Y.N, S.M and Y.V Shlyonskaya and Dyachkova2020-02-122020-02-122003Vinokurov, Y.N, Shlyonskaya, S.M and Dyachkova, Y.V (2003) Julius Nyerere: Humanist, Politician, Thinker;Russian Tanzanian Cultural Centre,Dar es Salaam.p.879976-636628http:// in print form, East Africana Collection, Dr Wilbert Chagula Library (HIS HX451.T2N95)This book contain the major papers delivered at the conference dedicated to the memory of Julius Nyerere, held in January 200 at the Institute for African Studies of Russian Academy of Sciences. Scholars, veterans of the diplomatic service and officials of Russian government bodies, having professional interests in Africa, Attended the conference.enNyerere, Julius 1922-1999, Biography, Tanzania, Politics and GovernmentJulius Nyerere: Humanist, Politician, ThinkerBook