Lucius, Leka Mabasha2020-02-102020-02-102016Lucius, L. M. (2016) An assessment of the role of monetary and non–monetary incentives in enhancing public secondary school teachers’ performance in Kibaha town council, Tanzania, Master dissertation, University of Dar es Salaam, Dar es Salaamhttp:// in print form, East Africana Collection, Dr. Wilbert Chagula Library, Class mark (THS EAF LB2842.4.T34L82)The study assessed the role of monetary and non-monetary incentives in enhancing teachers’ performance in public secondary schools in Kibaha Town Council. The main purpose of the study was to determine the monetary and non-monetary incentives accessible to teachers and how they are used to enhance teachers’ performance in public secondary schools in Kibaha Town Council. The specific objectives of the study were: to explore the kinds of monetary and non-monetary incentives provided in public secondary schools to enhance teachers’ performance, to examine the influence of monetary and non-monetary incentives in enhancing public secondary school teachers’ performance, to assess the degree of application of monetary and non-monetary incentives in public secondary schools, to examine delivery methods of monetary and non-monetary incentives to teachers and assessing the impact of monetary and non-monetary incentives in enhancing pupils’ performance in Kibaha Public Secondary Schools. The study employed mixed methods approach to provide the researcher room for in-depth data gathering and analysis of which both descriptive and interferences were made, questionnaire, observation, interview and documentary review were used to gather data. The study involved a total number of 73 respondents from five public secondary schools of which stratified purposive sampling and stratified random sampling were used to sample schools and respondents respectively. The findings revealed that, non monetary incentives had great impact on teachers’ performance than monetary incentives.enHigh school teachersIncentivesKibaha Town CouncilTanzaniaAn assessment of the role of monetary and non–monetary incentives in enhancing public secondary school teachers’ performance in Kibaha town council, TanzaniaThesis