Wenner, Carl G.2021-09-302021-09-301983Wenner, Carl G,(1983).Soil conservation in Tanzania: the HADO project in Dodoma region, report on a visit in April - May 1983http:// in print form,East African Colection,Dr Wilbert Changula Library,(EAFW48.B6).On behalf of the Swedish International Development Authority(SIDA) I visited the HADO Project in the Dodoma Region of Tanzania 25/4 -5/5 1983. After that time I stayed in Dar es Salaam for one week and travelled to Arusha, Morogoro and Mwanza, mainly for another assignment.enSoil ConservationSoil conservation in Tanzania: the HADO project in Dodoma region, report on a visit in April - May 1983Article