Swai, Veni Ahimidiwe2016-03-192020-01-072016-03-192020-01-072003Swai, V. A. (2003). The conditions of child labourers: the case of domestic workers of Kinyerezi area in Dar es Salaam Region. Masters dissertation, University of Dar es Salaam. Available at ( dissertation is about investigating and describing the working conditions of domestic child labourers/ servants in Dar es Salaam region, a case study of Kinyerezi in Ilala district. A review of existing literature on the subject is done in chapter two and issues reviewed are: domestic child labour in general - the African context, domestic workers, the domestic service - Tanzania situation, nature of child labour, conditions of working, factors contributing to child labour and government efforts to eradicate child labour. Kinyerezi ward and Mibega village were picked purposively as a case study. Respondents were also selected purposively. Techniques that were used to collect data included documentary review, observation method and face to face interviews (conducted using check lists). The study indicated that most children in domestic sphere, Kinyerezi area being the point in case, work under very poor conditions in terms of hours of work, remuneration, nature of contracts and treatment in general. It is recommended that the most effective way to achieve humanization of child labour is not to improve working conditions but to abolish child labour completely. All the stakeholders must be involved in the fight against child labour. It is important for them to be educated on the impact of employing children. The Government should deal with household poverty in improving living conditions of its people by helping them engage in economic activities. It is suggested that efforts should be made to improve the quality of education by reviewing the existing curriculum and improving school environment that will encourage the students to stay in schools and discourage dropouts.enChild labourTanzaniaKinyerezi areaIlala districtDomestic serviceThe conditions of child labourers: the case of domestic workers of Kinyerezi area in Dar es Salaam Region.Thesis